A500/A500+ Accelerators

Many of the A500 accelerators which use the 68000 socket may also be compatible with the A2000, A1000 and CDTV and many accelerators which use the side expansion slot may also be compatible with the A1000. However, they will have to be used back to front because the side expansion slot in an A1000 is located on the right, as opposed to the left in an A500.

Manufacturer Product
ACT Apollo 520 [O]
CSA Derringer 030 [CS]
Mega Midget Racer [CS]
Creative Microsystems Inc (CMI) PAMC-500 (PA500) [CS]
PAMC-2000 (PA2000) [CS]
DCE Viper 520CD [CS]
Viper 530 [CS]
GVP A530 Turbo [SE]
Hardital Big Bang [CS]
Harms Computertechnik Professional 020 [CS]
Professional 030 [CS]
Professional 030 Plus
ICD AdSpeed [CS]
AdSpeed/IDE [CS]
AdSpeed Novia [CS]
AdSpeed Prima [CS]
Intelligent Memory H530 Stormbringer[CS]
Hurricane 500 [CS]
Microbotics VXL-30 [CS]
M-Tec M-Tec 68020-i [CS]
M-Tec 68030 "AmigaPower" [CS]
Phase 5 Blizzard Turbo [CS]
Progressive Peripherals EXP 8000+
PP 040 [CS]
SSL A5000-16 [CS]
B5000-25, B5000-40 [CS]
Supra Supra 28 Turbo [SE]
Udo Neuroth EMatrix 530 [CS]

CS Sits in the CPU socket
O Connects to the Amiga by some other means
SE Connects to the Side Expansion Slot