
The number of slots may vary depending on the exact revision, this list is based on a Rev 6.8 board

Zorro II: 5 ** (See below)
Zorro III: 5 ** (See Below, Zorro III DMA not supported)
ISA: 2 x 16bit (2 inline) (Non Active)
PCI: 3 (2 inline) (Non Active)
Video Slots: 1 (inline) (AGA type)
Other: 1 x A3000/4000 style CPU Fast Slot

A busboard designed for A1200's towered with an appropriate tower kit such as the Micronik Infinitiv. The card includes a CPU Fast slot for fitting A3000/A4000 style accelerators. ** If an A3000/A4000 accelerator is used then the Zorro slots are capable of functioning as Zorro III slots, however if an A1200 accelerator is used then they can only be used as Zorro II slots. Please note, that although this board can operate the slots in Zorro III mode, it does not support Zorro III DMA and therefore may not function correctly with cards that require it. It also includes a built in SCSI controller. The video slot requires an appropriate video adaptor connected to the A1200 in order to be useful, and was supplied as an optional extra. This board requires at least Kickstart V3.1.

It has been reported that this busboard does not like working with Apollo A1200 accelerators, and may not (unconfirmed) like the Toccata sound card or the Piccolo SD64.

Jumpers (Rev 6.8)
R Reset Connector
OFF Closed = SCSI disabled, Open = SCSI enabled
4 Not Used
SCSI Hostadaptor ID (Default = 7)
9 Internal CPU off
8 INT/EXT Clock Jumper
7 Local slot CPU
6 Internal CPU on
6+7 Closed for internal A1200 CPU
7+9 Close to use an A1200 accelerator
9 Closed for A3000/A4000 accelerator, eg Cyberstorm MK II
8+9 Closed for A3000/A4000 accelerator, eg Cyberstorm MK III / PCC

The jumpers next to the Zorro slots configure the Zorro mode. Closed = Zorro II only, Open = Zorro III. In order to use Zorro III an A3000 or A4000 accelerator must be used.

Thanks to Martina Jacobs