TrumpCard 500 AT

Picture to show autoboot jumper

Picture to show the memory jumper

Picture to show internal/external power jumper

Hi Res version of internals (1026 x 710)
Another Hi Res version of internals (1086 x 540)
Picture of Trumcard 500AT attached to A500
Hi Res version of Autoboot jumper (1152 x 864)
Hi Res version of Memory jumper (1152 x 494)
Hi Res version of Power jumper (1050 x 698)

An external IDE controller which connects to the side expansion slot of the A500 series machines. The unit contains a 3.5" IDE connector and RAM can be added in the form of 8 x 1MB 30pin SIMMS (60ns to 120ns), even though the manual says it only has 4 SIMM slots. The unit can be powered by the A500 but can also be used with an external power supply which was sold separately, to lighten the load on the A500.

Thanks to Orjan Lindgren