
Manufacturer Product
Adept Development Home Music Kit [P]
Aegis Audio Master
Audio Master II
Audio Master III [P]
Sound Master [P]
Amitech Amitech Sampler [P]
Audio Visual Research Aura [PCMCIA]
BMP-Data SmartSound Stereo Sampler
Eyetech EZSample [P]
Creative Sound System [P]
Genuine Genuine Sound
DSS8+ Series II
Hagenau Computer Deluxe Sound [P]
HDP Electronics Digiton and Digiton II [P]
Impulse VecRecOne [O]
Microdeal AMAS [P, S]
Amiga Master [P]
Clarity 16 [P, S]
Megalosound [P]
New Dimension Technosound Turbo [P]
Technosound Turbo II [P]
Omega Projects Soundtrap III [P]
RamScan Audio Engineer
REX Datentechnik Sound Sampler [P]
Rombo Rombo MegaMix Master [P]
SunRize Industries Perfect Sound [P]
Pyramid Pyramid 8bit Par Port [P]
StereoMaster [P]
Xannadu ADC16 [ZII]

O Connects to the Amiga by some other means
P Connects to the parallel port.
PCMCIA Connects to the PCMCIA slot.
S Connects to the serial port.
ZII Zorro II card (ZII cards also work in ZIII slots)