Retina (BLT) Z3

Chipset(s) Symbios Logic (NCR) 77C32BLT
Graphics Memory 1MB or
8bit Support: Yes
16bit Support: Yes
24bit Support: Yes (except 1MB version)
Display Drivers
CyberGraphX V2: Yes
CyberGraphX V3: Yes
CyberGraphX V4: Yes
Picasso 96: Yes
EGS: Yes
Other: Yes

A Zorro III only graphics card for the Amiga. It has a pixel clock of 110Mhz (8bit). The card still requires at least 1MB of Chip RAM and 2MB of Fast RAM, and AmigaOS 2.0+. An optional SVHS/FBAS module is also available for this graphics card.

Example Display Modes
Resolution Depth Frequency
3300 x 566 8 ?
2400 x 1200 8 50Hz
1900 x 1426 8 70Hz
1280 x 1024 16 ?
1024 x 768 24 ?

Thanks to Gustavo Sarmento and Jan Dwornizky