Peggy Plus / Scala MD100

This card was manufactured under two names as shown in the title. It's a Zorro II card which also uses a video slot to display MPEG video. It has composite out (with optional daughter board), RGB out, 16bit audio out with a pass-thru for Amiga sound. It can also play MP2 sound with minimal CPU usage. Plays video CDs/ MPEGs at 30fps even on an 030 based 4000. Supplied with MPEG video software and the Scala MD100EX extension also works well with this card. It also has a built in genlock for placing Amiga Graphics over the MPEG video.


1-2: Hsync am ausgang
2-3: Csync am ausgang

Default is 1-2 so a standard VGA monitor can be connected. Most MPEGs however, only play at a rate of 15Khz so many monitors won't display it.

Please see the Peggy

Thanks to Julian Cassin and Frank Cieslewicz and Thomas Reiss