Amiga Technologies A4000T

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This A4000T is my main machine. It gets used for pretty much everything, from using the internet to programming. It's also the internet server for the rest of the network providing them with internet access using MiamiDX and IP-NAT.

Machine Amiga 4000T
Processor 060 @ 50Mhz
(Apollo 4060)
RAM 154MB Total.
(2MB Chip, 16MB on Motherboard,
128MB on Apollo 4060, 8MB on GVP SCSI)
Operating Systems AmigaOS 3.5
MacOS 7.5.3 (Fusion)
Display 17" Sony Trinitron
Slots 5 x Zorro III slots
4 x ISA slots (non active)
2 x Video slots
Cards Cybervision 64/3D Graphics Card (ZIII)
Cybervision 64/3D Scandoubler (Video)
Buddha Dual IDE Controller (ZII)
HyperCom 3+ Zorro (ZII)
Ariadne II Ethernet Card (ZII)
Drives 4.3GB Quantum (SCSI)
4.3GB Samsung (IDE)
3.2GB Seagate (IDE)
ZIP Drive (Internal IDE)
Internal 880K Floppy
Integrated IDE, SCSI-2, SCSI-2 (on Apollo 4060), Serial, Parallel, Joystick, Mouse, LAudio, RAudio, Speaker, RGB, External Floppy
Other 57k6 External Modem

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