12-Gauge (CSA 1250)

Processor: 030@33Mhz, 030@40Mhz, EC030@40Mhz or 030@50Mhz
FPU: Optional 68882@50Mhz (PGA)
MMU: None in EC030s, Internal in full 030s
Max Ram: 32MB
Ram Type: 1 x 72pin SIMM slot. (EDO RAM works, but is not taken advantage of)

An accelerator which plugs into the trapdoor slot of the A1200. Includes a non-DMA SCSI controller (NCR53c80) capable of transferring about 880k/sec. Optional ROMs can be added to the 12-Gauge to support autobooting for SCSI and shadowing the Kickstart into Fast RAM for improved performance. Apparently an optional network card may also have been available, but it has not been confirmed whether this had ever been released.


Bottom Side:

=|         U62            JP3 CN3|
=|        +--+             ..  ..|
=|        |R |       +-------+ : |
=|        |O |  +----|MC68030| : |
=|        |M |  |'882|       | : |
=|        +--+  +----+-------+ : |
=|              JP1   X1    CN2  |
=|    JP2       ...  +-+   (SCSI)|
=|    ::::::::       | |         |
=|                   +-+         |
=|       +-----------------------+
=|       |
=|       |

Top Side:
=|       |
=|       |
=|       +-----------------------+
=|                               |
=|                               |
=|     |                       | |
=|     |-----------------------| |
=|      SIMM1                    |
=|                               |
=|                               |
=|                               |
=|                               |
=|                               |

Jumper Function
JP1 Pins 1-2 (50Mhz 030)
Pins 2-3 (non 50Mhz)
JP2 #1 Hardware Cache Enabled (Open)
Hardware Cache Disabled (Closed)
JP2 #2 MMU Enabled (Open)
MMU Disabled (Closed)
JP2 #3 Boot in 030 Mode (Open)
Boot in 020 Mode (Closed)
JP2 #4 Use Kickstart ROM (Open)
Use special Boot ROM (Closed)
JP2 #5 AutoConfig Enabled (Open)
AutoConfig Disabled (Closed)
JP2 #6 Autoboot Enabled (Open)
Autoboot Disabled (Closed)
JP2 #7 DRAM Burst Mode Enabled (Open)
DRAM Burst Mode Disabled (Closed)
JP2 #8 DRAM Burst Wrap Enabled (Open)
DRAM Burst Wrap Disabled (Closed)
JP3 SCSI Termination Power Disabled (Open)
SCSI Termination Power Enabled (Closed)

Thanks to Paul Harvey