A1000 Phoenix/A1000+ ECS

Picture of A1000 Phoenix Motherboard

Hi Res Version of Motherboard (1089 x 817)

Standard Specifications

Case Type: Uses original A1000 desktop
Processor: 68000@7.14Mhz
MMU: None
FPU: Yes, optional 68881 or 68882
Chipset: ECS
Kickstarts: V1.3 (on ROM)
Bus Controller: Unknown
Expansion Slots: 1 x 100pin Zorro II slot
1 x ECS Video Slot
1 x Accelerator Slot
Standard CHIP RAM: 1MB
RAM sockets: DRAM Sockets
Hard Drive Controllers: Optional SCSI-II Controller (AMD 5380)
Drive Bays: 1 x Floppy Drive Bay
Expansion Ports: 1 x 25pin Serial
1 x 25pin Parallel
1 x 23pin RGB Video
1 x 23pin External Floppy
2 x 9pin Joystick/Mouse
2 x RCA Audio (Left/Right)
1 x RJ10 Keyboard Connector
Floppy Drive: Uses original A1000 drive
Motherboard Revisions: Unknown
Battery Backed Up Clock: Yes, uses "coin" shaped batteries

The A1000 phoenix was a subscription funded replacement motherboard for the A1000. Ie a totally new 3rd party motherboard which was designed to fit into the A1000 case. It was designed and manufactured by Phoenix Microtechnologies in South Australia (circa 1991). It was a totally enhanced A1000 motherboard. It came with the ECS chipset, Kickstart 1.3 (on ROM) and 1MB of CHIP RAM. In addition it also had optional SCSI on the motherboard. I'm uncertain of the specifics of why it was optional, but believe that the actual SCSI connector was present on all motherboards, but to make it active, the SCSI controller chip was an optional purchase which was then fitted to the motherboard. The A1000 phoenix also had a single Zorro II slot, but because of the limitations of the A1000 case, any Zorro II cards needed to be mounted in an external unit. An accelerator slot was also added to the motherboard but it is not known whether it was compatible with A2000 accelerators. An a2000 video slot was also added to the motherboard as well as a battery backed-up clock. The motherboard could either be installed manually by the user, which required the retention of some chips from the original motherboard (Paula, Denise, CPU), for installation on the new motherboard or users which lived near the manufacturing facility could have their motherboard replaced by Phoenix Microtechnologies themselves. There is estimated to have been between 500 and 1000 production units of the A1000 phoenix made.

Please see the Commodore A1000

Thanks to Craig Arnoldt, Richard Wagenfuehrer and Greg Helps.