Board with SCSI Module Connected
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SCSI Module

SCSI Module

A SCSI module designed to fit onto the CyberStorm MK II accelerators.
Fast SCSI 2
32bit DMA
Transfer rates up to 10MB/sec
Jumper Configured
Onboard 50pin IDC
External 50pin High Density Connector

The CyberSCSI MK2 consists of 2 boards, the SCSI-board with the flatcable connectors and scsi-chip etc. and the external connector board with the 50pin high-density connector.

On the external connector board there is 1 jumper:
SCSI-termination Pins 1-2 Connected: AUTO Termination
Pins 2-3 Connected: Termination OFF
No Pins Connected: Termination ON

On the SCSI-board there is SCSI-config jumper block in the centre of this board.

Jumper 0: Debug mode (Default = Open)
Jumper 1: Reserved (Default = Open)
Jumper 2: Slow Inquiry mode (Default = Open)
Jumper 3: Slow cable mode (Default = Open)
Jumper 4: Synchron Auto-Enable (Default = Closed)
Jumper 0: Reserved (Default = Open)

Under / Left: Harddisk activity LED connector
Upper / Right: Termination power (TP) (Closed = Enabled)

Thanks to Patrik Sjoblom